如果该化合物涉及专利保护,请勿作为商业目的使用,且仅供实验分析及研究之目的;如被销售到构成专利侵权的国家,则相应的一切风险由买家承担 Those products patented are for laboratory analytical/reseach purposes only, not offered for sale in countries where the sales of such products constitute infringement, otherwise the following liability at buyer's risk
如果该化合物涉及专利保护,请勿作为商业目的使用,且仅供实验分析及研究之目的;如被销售到构成专利侵权的国家,则相应的一切风险由买家承担 Those products patented are for laboratory analytical/reseach purposes only, not offered for sale in countries where the sales of such products constitute infringement, otherwise the following liability at buyer's risk